Berikut ini adalah contoh soal Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Semester Ganjil/gasal Kelas 8. Soal ini bisa digunakan sebagai latihan dalam menghadapi ujian akhir semester 1 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 8. Dengan banyak latihan mengerjakan soal, harapannya akan lebih siap dalam menghadapi ujian. 

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X), a, b,c, and d !

1. A : Basketball is your hobby, isn't it?
B : No, It isn't
A : So, …?
B : Basketball. I like playing basketball.

a. What is your hobby?
b. Do you like basketball?
c. What do you think?
d. What do you do?

2. Rudi : Give me the pipette, please.
Ana : Here you are.
Rudi: Thanks
The Underline word is express ….
a. Asking thinks
b. Giving thinks
c. Talking about on-going activities
d. Giving opinion

3. What does the secretary do?
a. She solves crime
b. She repairs the car
c. She write a note or make letters
d. She helps a doctor

4. At does the teachers  do?

a. They makes furniture
b. They teach students
c. They  sells small thing
d. They  grows fruit

5. What does the mechanic do ?

a. They serve food
b. They sell small things
c. They fix cars
d. They grow rice

Rearrange the words in correct sentence.
6. Have - he - does - brothers or sisters?
     1         2        3                   4

a. 3-2-1-4
b. 3-1-2-4
c. 2-3-1-4
d. 2-3-4-1

7. plays - always - Andi - football - everyday.
     2             3             4                 5

a. 3-2-1-4-5
b. 3-1-2-4-5
c. 2-3-1-5-4
d. 2-3-1-4-5

8. Mira always ... dinner. She likes cooking very much.

a. Make
b. Made
c. Makes
d. Making

9. Taufik ... studies in the evening. He does it after dinner every day.

a. Sometimes
b. Always
c. Never
d. Rarely

10. The book is thick. It ... many pages.

a. Has
b. Had
c. Have
d. Having

11. John and Davy … do homework together.(Biasanya)

a. Always
b. Never
c. Usually
d. Sometimes

12. “You … do your homework.” Said the teacher. (Tidak pernah)

a. Ever
b. Never
c. Often
d. Sometimes

13. Shanti is a radio presenter. She ... a very tight school.

a. Have
b. Having
c. Has
d. Haved

14. A : It is beautiful painting. Don’t you agree?
B : Yes, I do.
The Underline word is express ….

a. Giving agreement
b. Asking egreement
c. Giving disagreement
d. Asking disagreement
15. A :I think it was a nice film. Do you agree ?
B : No. I’m afraid I don’t.
The Underline word is express ….

a. Giving agreement
b. Asking egreement
c. Giving disagreement
d. Asking disagreement

16. A : were you at home last night ?
B : ….

a. No, I was at the gym.
b. Yes, I was at the gym
c. No, I am at the gym
d. Yes,I am at the gym

17. A : was your sister a nurse two years ago?
B : ….

a. No. She is a students
b. No. She was a students
c. Yes, she was a students
d. Yes, she was a students

18. A : Do you watch Tv last night ?
B : No, ….

a. I listening to the radio
b. I listen to the radio
c. I listened to the radio
d. I was listening tto the radio

19. A : Did your brother play football yesterday ?
B : yes, ….

a. He do
b. He did
c. He was
d. He is

20. She … me about her story last night.

a. Tell
b. Telling
c. Told
d. Read
21. I … letters that ratna made for me two years ago.

a. Find
b. Finding
c. Wrote
d. found

22. A: Did your brother do te homework last night ?
B : No, he didn’t. ….

a. He wrote a letter
b. He writing a letter
c. He writes a letter
d. He writed a letter

23. A : Did you go to school this morning ?
B : No, ….

a. I sleep at home
b. I sleeping at home
c. I slept at home
d. I sleeped at home

24. Yesterday I … at home

a. Am
b. Was
c. Is
d. Were

25. We … at home last night.

a. Were
b. Was
c. Is
d. Are

26. When I was a child, milk … expensive.

a. Weren’t
b. Wasn’t
c. Am
d. Are

27. A : What time did your class start this morning ?
B : It started …7 o’clock

a. In
b. On
c. At
d. Am

28. A :Happy birthday Tigor
B :Thanks
A :How old are you ?
B : Fourteen
The Underline word is express ....

a. Expressing admiration
b. Expressing congratulation
c. Asking admiration
d. Asking congratulation

29. A : How do you feel about this ?
B : I think,it’s better.
The Underline word is express ….

a. Asking ideas
b. Giving ideas
c. Agreeing
d. Disagreeing

30. A : Did you do your project last week ?
B : Yes, I finished it … Tuesday

a. At
b. In
c. On
d. Are

B. Change the verbs in the brackets into their past forms.

31. My sister (cry) … loudly this morning.
32. We (plan) … to do the project last night.
33. They (carry) … the books to the teacher’s office.
34. Miss Ajeng (Travel) … by Air last week.
35. Veni (stay) … at home last night.
36. Tini (visit) … her friend yesterday.
37. We (talk) … with our teacher this morning.
38. Last week I (play) … basketball withmy cousin.
39. Mom (bake) … a cake.
40. Ani (dance) … last night.

C. Read the text below. Then, answer the questions.

A science project
Last week Ayu and Siska did a science project. They did this project to show that hot air always rises.
Before they started, they prepared a ballon,a bottle and a bucket full of hot water. First, they blew up the ballon. Then, they let the air out from the ballon. After that, they put the ballon to cover the top of the bottle. Finally, they put a bottle in the bucket that was full of hot water.
As a result, the air in the bottlegot hotter and roseinto the ballon.

41. What is the title of the text ?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………
42. Ayu and Siska have to prepared things to do a project . What kind of things that they should prapared? Mention !
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………
43. After they blew up the ballon, what they should do?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………
44. What is the result of  a science project?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………
45. What kind of the text above ?
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………

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