Pilihlahjawaban yang benardenganmemberitandasilang (X) padasalahsatuhuruf, A, B, C, atau D padalembarjawab!

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

1.      The text is intended to ....
A.    invite all OSIS board members for lunch
B.     invite OSIS board members to a meeting
C.     celebrate Independence Day
D.    discuss the OSIS programs

2.      The meeting will mainly discuss about ....
A.    the schedule of the meeting
B.     the membership of OSIS Board
C.     the lunch served during the meeting
D.    the celebration of Independence Day

3.      Events to commemorate Independence Day.
The underlined word has the closest meaning as ....
A.    remind
B.     discuss
C.     celebrate
D.    provide

The following text is for questions 4 to 6.

4.      The text tells about ....
  1. an early school release schedule due to the threat of inclement weather
  2. a warning given to the public about inclement weather
  3. the release of a new students pick-up schedule
  4. the changes to the school buses routes

5.      We will likely see the text at ....
A.    the school’s gate
B.     the carpool lane
C.     the bus station lane
D.    the weather bureau

6.      If you pick your child up, .... ”
The underlined word refersto....
  1. teachers
  2. students
  3. children
  4. parents

The following text is for questions 7 to 9.

To: All students of SMP Nasional

To celebrate the National Education Day, school board will hold some interesting competitions such as English Speech Contest, Debate competition and Class Wall Magazine Competition.
Time                                                    : May 2nd, 2017 at 8 am
Venue                                                  : School hall
Contact person for Registration          : Mr. Andi (the coordinator)

7.      What is the announcement about?
A.    School boards activities
B.     English Speech Contest
C.     National Education Day Celebration
D.    Debate and magazine reading Competition

8.      What will the school boards hold to celebrate the National Education Day?
A.    flag ceremony
B.     some competitions
C.     national debate competition
D.    wall magazine designer contest
9.      “...,school board will hold some interesting competitions ...”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A.    selective
B.     attractive
C.     enjoyable
D.    comfortable

The following text is for questions 10 to 12.

Dear Lusi,
This card comes with living wishes especially for you.
To wish you lots of happiness today and all year through.
Happy New Year 2018

10.         The purpose of the text above is … .
A.      to remind someone about New Year
B.       to greet someone for the New Year
C.       to inform everyone about New Year
D.      to invite someone to a New Year Celebration

11.         Susan probably sent the card to Lusi on ...
A.      December the twentyfifth
B.       December the thirtyfirst
C.       January the second
D.      January the fifth

12.         The word “wish” in the text nearly means … .
A.      see
B.       look
C.       want
D.      hope           

The following text is for questions 13 to 15.

  • a fresh avocado
  • 40 grams sugar
  • 50 ml water

The followings are the steps how to make an original avocado juice, but before begin to try it, make sure you choose the fresh avocado.
  • First of all, peel the fresh avocado. Then, remove the seeds.
  • Put avocado, sugar, and water into blender.
  • After that, blend all of the ingredients in the blender. Blend about 2 minutes.
  • Now, pour the juice into the glass. The original avocado juice is ready to drink. It is easy, isn’t it?

13.  The text is mainly about ....
A.       what the avocado juice is
B.       how to make avocado juice
C.       how we get avocado juice is
D.       what we need to get avocado juice

14.    What should we do after peel the avocado?
A.       Remove the seeds
B.       Add sugar and water
C.       Put them into blender
D.       Blend them about 2 minutes
15.    “After that, blend all of the ingredients in the blender.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A.       hook
B.       mix
C.       pull
D.       fit

The following text is for questions 16 to 19.

·         Check the tags for special washing instructions. Most clothes are machine washable, but always check the tag for further instructions.
·         Separate your laundry by "color". Dyes in clothes, especially pieces that are new, lose their color during a wash. The color can bleed onto other clothes and damage your entire load.
·         Sort your clothes by fabric weight. Additionally, you can protect your clothes from wear and tear in the washing machine by sorting heavier fabrics from lighter weight fabrics.
·         Put delicates into mesh wash bags to protect them from harsh wear and tear.
·         Separate out stained clothing. Some stains need special treatment before you can put the garment into the wash.
·         Choose the right washing cycle. Wash cycles consist of two important speeds: a speed at which it agitates or tumbles the clothes with water, and a speed that spins the water out of the clothes.
·         Set the water temperature. In theory, the hotter the water, the cleaner the clothes. 
·         Pour in detergent and other boosters like fabric softener.
·         Load your washer with clothes but be careful not to overcrowd your clothes.
·         Turn on your washer.

Source : https://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Washing-Machine

16.  The writer’s purpose to write the passage is to ….
A.    tell us how to operate instructions of a washing machine
B.     describe about loading a washing machine with clothes
C.     inform us the way to choose a right washing machine
D.    show how to set the water temperature of a washer

17.  What will probably happenif you wash the new dyes in clothes with the others?
A.    The color of all the clothes will make a beautiful combination.
B.     The color of the other clothes will bleed the new dyes clothes.
C.     The new dyes in clothes will be bled by the color of the other clothes.
D.    The other clothes will be bled by the color of the new dyes in clothes.

18.  We should use the hotter water … we want to get the cleaner clothes.
A.    although
B.     because
D.    so

19.  “… to protect them from harsh wear and tear.”
The word ‘them’ refers to ….
A.    clothes
B.     delicates
C.     wash bags
D.    stained clothing

The following text is for questions 20 to 24.

The Museum of Art in Philadelphia is one of the country's largest museums. Its collection of some 300,000 works of art covers diverse artistic areas. The works on display include photographs, paintings, tapestry, carpets, sculpture, armory, ceramics and furniture. Some of the two hundred galleries even include complete historic sites such as a Buddhist temple. Its paintings collection includes works from renowned artists like Picasso, Van Gogh, Rubens and Renoir. The Museum is located on a hill at the end of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, providing a perfect vista for this wide boulevard.

The origins of the museum go back to the Centennial Exposition of 1876. It was held at Fairmount Park, where a permanent exposition hall was built for the exposition's art gallery. The building, known as Memorial Hall was designed by Hermann Schwarzmann. It was built between 1874 and 1876 in the popular Beaux-Arts style. The glass-domed building is still one of the most beautiful in Philadelphia.

The museum's collection expanded rapidly and by the end of the nineteenth century Memorial Hall had become too small. In 1907 the decision was made to build a new museum on a hill known as Faire Mount, at the end of the recently completed Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The building, designed by Horace Trumbauer, Julian Abele, Clark Zantzinger and Charles Borie, was inspired by Greek temples. An imposing flight of stairs leads to an open court bordered by three connected neoclassical temples.

20.  What does the text mostly tell us about?
A.    The Museum of Art in Philadelphia.
B.     The Centennial Exposition of 1876.
C.     The Benjamin Franklin Parkway.
D.    The popular Beaux-Arts style.

21.  The Museum of Art in Philadelphia give an uttermost view for the wide boulevard because of its ….
A.    contribution
B.     dimension
C.     collection
D.    location
22.  It was built between 1874 and 1876 in the …”
What does the underlined word refer to?
A.    Greek temple
B.     Memorial Hall
C.     Fairmount Park
D.    Beaux-Arts style

23.  “The museum's collection expanded rapidly and …”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A.    quickly
B.     steadily
C.     regularly
D.    normally

24.  A new museum on Faire Mount was built … the Memorial Hall had become too small.
A.    after
B.     before
C.     because
D.    although

The following text is for questions 25 to 29.

Last holiday, I went to Pacitan with some of my friends.We stayed some days at the unknown beach because we wanted toexperience the wilderness. We had prepared everything.
We went there by motorcycle to make us easier to pass any kinds of road to go to some of the unknown beach along the south side of Pacitan city. We rode slowly and stopped for several minutes to enjoy the landscape. Finally, we arrived at Pacitan. We continued to go to the south just to find any beach.
We wanted to find a beach with no tourist there and we found it. It was a beautiful beach with nobody else except us. We built our tents and prepared some wood for making small fire because we need it to cook our food. I loved this beach because I got not only a beautiful place but also a great beach for fishing. I did fishing and got a lot of fish. We roasted those fish at the fire we have made.
We stayed at that beach for two nights. We had to get back home because we ran out of food. We loved that journey and we would be back at the beach on our next holiday.

Source: https://ekspektasia.com/contoh-recount-text-pendek/How long will

25.  The writer and his friends were staying at the beach for ....
A.    the holiday
B.     the weeks
C.     two days
D.    a day

26.  “We roasted those fish at the fire ...”
The underlined word means cook the food ….
A.    over fire
B.     with fire
C.     on fire
D.    in fire

27.  Why did the writer and his friends ride a motorcycle to reach the place?
A.    They wanted to explore the beach.
B.     It was easier to reach any place by motorcycle.
C.     The writer and his friends would like to go to many places.
D.    It was an unknown beach so it might be dangerous to explore place.

28.  The writer writes the text in order to ….
A.    tell the readers about an unknown place in Pacitian
B.     inform an unknown place along the beach in Pacitan
C.     describe an unknown place along the beach in Pacitan
D.    share the writer experience exploring an unknown place in Pacitan

29.  How did the writer feelat the end of the trip?
A.    disappointed
B.     confused
C.     worried
D.    pleased

The following text is for questions 30 to 34.

The Cock and the Fox

One bright evening as the sun was sinking on a glorious world, a wise old Cock flew into a tree to roost. Before he composed himself to rest, he flapped his wings three times and crowed loudly. But just as he was about to put his head under his wing, his beady eyes caught a flash of red and glimpse of a long and pointed nose, and there just below him stood Master Fox.
“Have you heard the wonderful news?” cried the Fox in a very joyful and excited manner.
“What news?” asked the Cock very calmly. But he had a queer, fluttery feeling inside him, for you know he was very much afraid of the Fox.
Your family and mine and all other animals have agreed to forget their differences and live in peace and friendship from now and forever. Just think of it! I simply cannot wait to embrace you! Do come down, dear friend and let us celebrate the joyful event.”
“How grand!” said the Cock. “I certainly am delighted at the news.” But he spoke in an absence way, and stretching up on tiptoes, seemed to be looking at something afar off.
“What is it you see?” asked the Fox a little anxiously.
“Why it looks to me like a couple of Dogs coming this way. They must have heard the good news and ….”But the Fox did not wait to hear more. Off he started on a run.
“Wait,” cried the Cock. “Why do you run? The Dogs are friends of yours now!”
“Yes,” answered the Fox. “But they might not have heard the news. Besides, I have a very important errand that I had almost forgotten about.”
The Cock smiled as he buried his head in his feathers and went to sleep, for he had succeeded on outwitting a very crafty enemy.

30.  The writer’s intention to write the text is to ….
A.    retell the story to the readers
B.     share old story to the readers
C.     describe bad character to the readers
D.    amuse and advicethe reader not to be a tricky person

31.  “…. for he had succeeded on outwitting a very crafty enemy”.
The underlined word can be replaced by ….
A.       sly
B.       cruel
C.       stingy
D.       furious

32.  How did the writer describe the Fox? He was ….
A.    brave and strong
B.     tricky but foolish
C.     strong but coward
D.    tricky but kind

33.  What did the Fox do to attract the Cock’s attention?
A.    He had a very important errand
B.     He told the wonderful news
C.     He wanted to embrace the Cock
D.    He asked the Cock to come down

34.  What lesson can we get after reading the text above?
A.    We should not underestimate other people.
B.     Mocking each other is a part of human life.
C.     Impossible thing could happen anytime.
D.    The trickster is easily tricked by others.

The following text is for questions 35 to 36.
          A cloud is a large group of tiny water droplets that we can see in the air. Clouds can contain millions of tons of water. Clouds are formed when water on Earth evaporates into the skyand condensed high up in the cooler air.
          Rain, snow, sleet and hail falling from clouds is called precipitation. Most clouds from in the troposphere (the lowest part of Earth’s atmosphere) but occasionally they are observed as high as the stratosphere or mesosphere.
          There are a range of different types of clouds; the main types include stratus, cumulus and cirrus. Stratus clouds are flat and featureless, appearing as layered sheets. Cumulus clouds are puffy like cotton floating in the sky. Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy appearing high in the sky.
          There are many variations of these three main cloud types including stratocumulus, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus. Fog is stratus type of cloud that appears very close to the ground.
          Clouds can also be made of other chemicals. Other planets in our solar system have clouds. Venus has thick clouds of sulfur-dioxide while Jupiter and Saturn have clouds of ammonia.

35.  What is the communicative purpose of the text?
  1. To describe about the type of particular clouds.
  2. To amuse the readers with the story of cloud types.
  3. To persuade the readers to be fond of reading about clouds.
  4. To give description to the readers about the cloud in general.

36.  The definition of a cloud is stated in the … paragraph.
  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
  4. fourth

The following text is for questions 37 to 40. 


Rabbits live in groups. A female rabbit is called a doe while a male rabbit is called a buck, and a young rabbit is called a kit (or kitten). Rabbits have long ears which can be as long as 10 cm (4 in). More than half of the world’s rabbits live in North America. Rabbits have a lifespan of around 10 years. Rabbits are herbivores. Pet rabbits that live inside are often referred to as ‘house rabbits’.

Rabbits reproduce very quickly. This can be problem for people living in agricultural areas where rabbits are seen as pests. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and without fur.

37.  What does the text tell about?
A.       How the rabbits reproduce
B.       Where the rabbits live
C.       What the rabbits are
D.       Definition of rabbits

38.  Rabbits usually live ….
A.       helplessly
B.       separately
C.       individually
D.       communally

39.  Rabbits become enemy for farmers because ….
A.       they reproduce very quickly
B.       they are born without fur
C.       they are plant eaters
D.       they live in groups

40.  “…where rabbits are seen as pests” (par 2)
       The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
A.       produced
B.       become
C.       shown
D.       known

Jawablah soal-soal di bawah ini dengan benar!

Read the text and answer the question.        

Rabbits live in groups. A female rabbit is called a doe while a male rabbit is called a buck, and a young rabbit is called a kit (or kitten). Rabbits have long ears which can be as long as 10 cm (4 in). More than half of the world’s rabbits live in North America. Rabbits have a lifespan of around 10 years. Rabbits are herbivores. Pet rabbits that live inside are often referred to as ‘house rabbits’.

Rabbits reproduce very quickly. This can be problem for people living in agricultural areas where rabbits are seen as pests. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and without fur.

41.       Why do people think that rabbits are pests?
42.       What kind of food can we give to rabbits?
43.       What do we call a pet rabbit?
44.       How long can we take care of rabbits as our pets?
45.       Why do we say that rabbits have long ears?

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